The Interim Minister search committee has been in conversations with potential candidates to serve as our Interim Minister so that we, as a congregation, can reflect on who we are as a congregation and prayerfully listen to where God is leading us.
The Settled Minister search committee has met with our Interim Regional Minister. The committee has begun discussions on how to best approach our first step of developing a congregational profile. This congregational profile will tell the story of Bethany Christian Church; what our values are, where our priorities lie, what our dreams and goals for the future are as God's people in our community, and what leadership qualities we need in a minister to take us to where God is calling us. We are looking forward to this process of reflection and visioning and the many conversations that are to come as this profile is developed.
Lisa Humerickhouse, Interim Minister Search Committee Chair
Anna Donaghue, Settled Minister Search Committee Chair